My spelling is Wobbly. It's good spelling but it Wobbles, and the letters get in the wrong places.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Happy Birthday Ella!

Me, Danielle, and Ella!

One of my best friends, Ella, turned 23 on Valentine's Day :) (Sinve I've been a bit busy lately this is a little delayed..but c'est la vie!) We went to Niagara Falls and stayed at a suite in the beautiful Hilton Hotel, met all of Ella's friends, danced our butts off at the Dragonfly Club, and drank a little bit too muchlime jello shots and coconut vodka (sooo yummy. Too yummy, actually, when mixed with Pineapple juice and an I'm-already-buzzed-let's-drink-some-more attitude that I apparently had going that night. Whoops.) 
(Note: All of these pictures were stolen from Ella's camera... I forgot to bring mine during my classic last-minute packing frenzy)
Cute nametags Ella made to help all of her friends get to know one another
"My name's Colleen, has anyone seen my red solo cup?"
It was honestly an amazing night, one that I haven't had much opportunity to experience. It was a bit bittersweet, as two members of our group couldn't make it due to a sudden death and an illness, but we kept them in our minds all night and promised to take them back here :)

Dani dancing away!
The club had a "Mardi Gras" theme to it that weekend, so there were beads and masks and boas everywhere. I'm not really a club person...I've only been to a handful in my life, and have always preferred to just hang out at a bar or at home for that matter. But I actually had a blast this time around :)

Mardi Gras!
But that may have been due to the coconut vodka.

Ella: Champ

Two of my favourite girls!
 I am so lucky to have found such amazing, fun, honest, and hilarious friends. Here's to you,  Ellabella! :)

Monday, February 27, 2012

24 hours...

Things have been C-R-A-Z-Y lately. Between midterms, work, placement at the daycare, and the sudden death of one of my best friend's father, I haven't had time to do much for fun. But alas, in 24 hours I will be able to relax and bask in the glory of three days off of school/placement! (Technically it was supposed to start today, but I had to make up two days at the daycare due to days I had missed. Bummer).
Technically I work Thursday and Friday...but I have Saturday and Sunday off! And I do have a lot of work I should do over my "break". So, really, not much of a break at all.
Man. Only 50 more days until second semester is over!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Still Unsure

I'm still unsure what this blog is going to be about... maybe the occasional recipe, how I'm redecorating my basement apartment (in my mom's house. Typical lazy 20-year-old dwellings), and just little rants about whatever ridiculous things I've gotten into lately. But maybe I should start with the basics of the random weird things that I'm lovin right now!
Winnie the Pooh
I am a 20 year old woman. And I love Winnie the Pooh. So much so, that last year when my dad took my siblings and I to Disney World, the restaurant that I requested to go to was The Crystal Palace...a character breakfast where Winnie the Pooh (and Tigger and Eeyore and Piglet...) come to your table. I was in heaven. I still haven't seen the newest version that came out in May, and it's breakin' my heart, let me tell ya.
Paris, France
Travel. I have never been out of North America... unless you count spending a day in Nassau, Bahamas, when I was on a cruise 6 years ago. I've desperately wanted to go to Europe, specifically France, for 10 years now. I'm saving up for a trip now... slowly, but surely (unfortunately the cost of school, car payments, and other life essentials get in the way sometimes). Here's hoping I'll be staring up at the Eiffel Tower soon!

My Yoga Ball
It's that time of year again... when I realize that I've been over-indulging in all the post-Christmas, Valentines, and pre-Easter food. And I love food. So much. But lately I haven't been feeling up to snuff about my body. I don't have time or money for a gym membership, am smack in the middle of what I'm being told is my hardest semester, working weird hours, spending 24 hours a week volunteering at a daycare for my student placement (although I'm sick today. Whoops), and balancing family/friend/boyfriend relationships. It's exhausting. So, needless to say, working out hasn't been high on my priority list. Last week, however, I started doing two different types of crunches, leg lifts, and push ups on my old yoga ball, and it has been awesome. I can feel the burn, but I also get such a good stretch with it that I can feel it but still move the next morning! It's also more fun than boring sit ups/push ups, which drive me insane.
Kraft Crunchy Peanut Butter
My mama brought home a jar of this the other week. And for about two weeks straight now, I've eaten a toasted, crunchy peanut butter and banana sandwich for breakfast on my way to daycare, and come home and had a honeycrisp apple dipped in it for a snack. It's becoming an obsession.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day! My day was spent doing a midterm in the morning (worth 40%...probably bombed), running around the mall with my 4 best friends at lunch, and then handing in an assignment and spending 3 long, boring hours in class in the afternoon.
My boyfriend found out that one of his midterms had been rescheduled from Friday to today, so I told him not to worry about me and to go study for it.
But he worried about me. I came home to this!
beautiful Valentine's rose!
I've never gotten a Valentine's Day present before, besides from my dad (my past boyfriends all decided to completely ignore the holiday, without telling me. Men.) So I was pretty surprised when I walked in the door and saw this. Stopped dead in my tracks. And...backed away from it. For some reason I was scared? But then I read the card and it was so very him, and I began smiling like an idiot.
I'm a lucky girl.
I hope you all get a little love today, whether it's from a significant other, your parents, friends, pets, or yourself!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Here We Go

I needed another outlet...besides my journal and talking to my dog. And thus, this blog is born. No idea what it will be about. Just the everyday life of a girl in her early 20's trying to not go insane?
Sounds good to me.